Nos publications et contributions

Articles dans des revues

Gervais, M.-J., Chagnon, F. & Labelle, P. (soumis). Measuring the outcomes of knowledge production and utilization processes: A conceptual framework. American Journal of Evaluation.
Nathalie Houlfort, Julie Descheneaux, Préscilla Labelle, Caroline Marion, Mathieu-Joël Gervais and Benoit Martel (2015). From Research to a Web-Based Interactive Tool: Knowledge Transfer within Social Services Organizations, dans Andrea Garlatti et Maurizio Massaro (éds.). Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management (University of Udine, Italy, 3-4 septembre 2015). Kidmore End, Academic Conferences International Limited, p. 359-366.
Gervais, M.-J., Marion, C., Dagenais, C., Chiocchio, F., & Houlfort, N. (2015). Dealing with the complexity of evaluating knowledge transfer strategies: Guiding principles for developing valid instruments. Research Evaluation, rvv034.
Hudon, A., Gervais, M.-J., & Hunt, M. (2015). The contribution of conceptual frameworks to knowledge translation interventions in physical therapy. Physical Therapy Journal, 95(4), p. 630-639. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20130483  
Houlfort, N., Philippe, F., Vallerand, R. J., & Ménard, J. (2014). On passion as heavy work investment and its consequences. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21 (1). p. 25-45. 
Chagnon, F. Bardon, C. Houlfort, N. Proulx, R. Labelle, P. Gervais, M.J. (2013). "Sustaining organizational capacities of knowledge utilization: A complete toolbox for the health and social services organizations". BMJ Qual Saf, 22: Suppl 1 46.  
Châteauneuf, D., Bilodeau, S. (2013), L’apport du partenariat dans la révision des pratiques : l’exemple de la redéfinition des services en foyers de groupe-petits au CJQ-IU. Intervention, No 138 (1), p. 24-32. 
Jungert, T., Koestner, R., Houlfort, N., & Schattke, C. (2013). Distinguishing Source of Autonomy Support in Relation to Workers' Motivation and Self-Efficacy. Journal of Social Psychology, 153, 651-666.